Thursday, 17 May 2012

More Progress

The latest addition to the swarm is complete - more Helions:

I'd forgotten how simple these are to paint - almost relaxing you could say - which is a good job because I've got another sixty odd that'll need painting at some point.

Next up for paint will be the last Cyclos needed to complete the cention. Thanks to some very prompt service from Scotia, I have these all based and primed and ready to go. Once they're done, I've got a couple of options of what to move onto - either a strider for my SWAT or some Predator marines.

I've treated myself to a fancy new airbrush to deal with all the armour I'm planning on adding to the SWAT platoon, so I'm keen to break that out and have a bash at the strider.

Hopefully back soon with a completed cention!